Friday, May 30, 2014

Exam questions of “English Stylistics”

Approved …………..            Exam questions of “English Stylistics”
I.                    Answer the questions.
II.                 Write an essay and speak about topic. (the topic will be chosen at the time)

1.      What is style?
2.      How many groups is the style of English divided into?
3.      What is phonetics style?
4.      What is grammatical style?
5.      What is lexical style?
6.      What is semantics style?
7.      How many figures of speech are there in style?
8.      What are Simile and Metaphor? Say in examples.
9.      How many writing styles are there?
10.  What are the vocabulary and style like in the language of newspaper?
  What rules are trainee journalists advised to follow?
12.   What is literary language?
13.  How do advertising copywriters should write their message in the language of advertisement?
14.  What are three major ways in which advertisers get their effect?
15.  Which four grammar forms should you use in scientific and technical writing?
16.  What should you avoid using in academic writing?
17.  Which experience do you concentrate on when you make a personal writing?
18.  How many modes of writing are there?
19.  What is an effective descriptive writing?
20.  What is narrative writing?
21.  What is goal of expository writing?
22.  What are the purposes of persuasive writing?
23.  What information are included in CV? 
24.  What is an essay?
25.  What is a topic sentence?
26.  What is a thesis statement
27.  What are the functions of the introductions?
28.  What is the body paragraphs?
29.  What is the conclusion paragraph?
30.  How to write a good essay?
31.  What types are there in an essay?
32.  What is the Description essay?
33.  What is the Argumentative essay?
34.  What is the Narrative essay?
35.  What is the Process essay?
36.  What types of letters do you know?
37.  What is formal letters?
38.  What is informal letters?
39.  What are the characteristics of formal style in letters?
40.  What are the characteristics of informal style in letters?

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