Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Бие даалтаар орчуулах өгүүлбэрүүд

1.      After the host introduced the guests to each other, they all went to the dining room and sat down to table.
2.      We found out that they (had) started a joint venture in 1989.
3.      When the fire brigade arrived, a large part of the building had been destroyed by the fire.
4.      There are some good hospitals in our town, and soon there is going to be another one (one more). It is going to be larger and much (a lot) more up-to-date than the others.
  We have received letters from the factories which are interested in your cars (machines), Mr Bennett, and today I can give a definite answer to your question about our plans for the future.
6.      Which of them do you think knows the problem better?
7.      How long do you think it’ll take to study the matter?
8.      Where do you think we could get the information we are interested in?
9.      He was invited to Tokyo university Foreign Studies and Ryukyu University and gave some lectures on the relationship between Japan and Mongolia, and the issues of the study on Japanese Language and culture, during the time when he was there.
10.  Japan, constitutional monarchy in eastern Asia,  comprising four large islands, as well as Ryukyu Islands and more than 1000 lesser adjacent islands.
11.  Nearly 20,000 years ago, nomadic people from Siberia began crossing the Bering Strait to what is now Alaska, either by island-hopping or by walking across a broad land bridge (Beringia) from which the waters receded during the Ice Ages.
12.  A new cultural stage arrived with the introduction of farming and pottery and in these developments Middle Americans outpaced the tribes farther north and became the center of innovation and cultural division.
13.  A primarily agrarian culture, using only copper tools, cut, transported and placed in precise positions more than 70 million blocks of limestone, weighing an average of 2 tons each, to build the pyramid at Medium, Dashur and Giza.
14.  Language plays a great part in our life. The effects of language are remarkable, and include much of what distinguishes man from the animals, but language has no place in our educational program or in the speculations of our philosophers.
15.  In some countries, such as China, Egypt, and Mesopatamia, writing was practiced thousands of years ago, but to most of the languages that are spoken today it has been applied either in relatively recent times or not at all.
16.   Writing is a semiotic system for recording language and one of the most key tools for human communication. During the primitive society, with verbal language, they could only exchange simple ideas with family members as well as neighbors.
17.  Russia is a land of long rivers and deep lakes. The broad Volga River system is of great historic, economic and cultural importance to Russia. It became the cradle of such ancient towns as Tver, Varoslavi, Kazan, Novgorod.
18.  In the early days of America, education was usually left for the elite. This was accomplished by tutoring, and small one room schools. After Revolutionary War, Congress enacted a couple of bills to encourage education for all children.
19.  Today, we operate on a 12 grade level system, plus kindergarten. It is amazing to see how schools have grown from one room building to large corporations with many schools to accommodate the youth of America.
20.  Today, education in America is available to just about  anyone. As mentioned earlier, with the internet not only adult men and women can receive an unlimited wealth of information in the comfort of their own desk chairs, but children have a tremendous educational tool right at their fingertips.
21.  Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays they travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns.
22.   The best way to study geography is to travel, and the best way to get know and understand people is to meet them in their own house.
23.  If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting.
24.   A country which helps its old, sick disabled and unemployed is called a welfare state.
25.  Elderly people recieve a state pension when they retire at the age of 60 or 65 people with low incomes who can not afford to buy, or rent accommodation are given houses or flats with subsized rents, which means that the government or local council supports the rent to keep it low.
26.  Some students like school, others think they hate it, but they all study for ten or more years and gain knowledge and develop experience by doing many different tasks.
27.  School is not only a place of formal education, it is a place where students can develop their skills in social relationships and increase their tolerance and mutual respect for each other.
28.  I want to be considered above average in intelligence and my ambition is to become a teacher and thus be happily engaged in a profession like my teachers.
29.  Fashion forms a key part of many of our important industries, especially those involving design, such as cars, computer printers and clothing.
30.  Silk was an important fabric as it was used by the richer people in society to show off their wealth through their dress. 
31.  Poorer people, whether adult or child, wore simpler practical clothes made from linen, cotton, wool and lesser, coarser fibers out of practical necessity. 
32.  There is varied menu at Monty’s, which includes a fantastic salad bar, a wide choice of vegetarian dishes and five types of delicious hamburgers.
33.  Glaciers are huge sheets or rivers of ice that cover the North and South Poles and many mountains in the different parts of the world.
34.  As a cover on lakes and the ocean, ice acts as insulation and protects life in the water below.
35.  Cars: The burning of gasoline is one of the biggest sources of carbon monoxide (CO) in the atmosphere. Some people believe that CO is causing global warming. They think CO thins the ozone layer, which protects us from the sun’s rays. So try to walk, bicycle, or use public transportation. And if you drive a car, drive at a steady speed. This is more efficient than speeding up and slowing down.
36.  Products: Don’t use disposable products. In a single year, people in the United States use enough disposable diapers to reach to the moon and back seven times. If you use disposable products, use products made from recycled materials. Also, recycle whenever possible. Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours.
37.  Energy: The biggest use of home energy is for heating and cooling homes. So turn the heat down, especially at night. Replace regular light bulbs with fluorescent or halogen bulbs, which use less energy.
38.  Water: Showers use a lot of water. In one week a typical American family uses as much water as a person drinks in a three years. Buying a special “low-flow” shower head or taking shorter showers can cut this use in half. Also fix any leaky faucets.
39.  The USA won two gold medals yesterday and three the day before, so in the first three days they have won the six gold medals.
40.  The concert started at eleven o’clock, and since I had helped earlier I was allowed to sit at the edge of the stage.
41.  Хотыг тойрсон долоон уул зузаан цасаар бүрхэгджээ.
42.  Би чөлөөт цагаараа коллежийн найрал дуунд дуулж мөн далайн эргээр алхах дуртай.
43.   Найзууд маань миний хоолойнд дуртай тиймээс тэд намайг бичлэгээ дуу бичлэгийн компани руу явуулахыг ятгадаг байсан.
44.  Түүний инээмсэглэсэн царай олон улсын сэтгүүлүүдийн нүүрийг бүрхэж,  тэрээр жил бүр дэлхийн олон улсуудаар аялан тоглолтоо хийж сая сая шүтэн бишрэгчдээ байлдан дагуулсаар байна.
45.   Хот газар амьдардаг хүмүүс чөлөөт цагаа ихэвчлэн музей үзэх, уран зурийн галерайд очих, дэлгүүр хэсэх, томоохон ресторанд хооллох зэргээр өнгөрүүлдэг.
46.  Архангай аймаг 1923 онд байгуулагдсан бөгөөд манй орны төв хэсэгт оршдог.
47.  Архангай бол ой модоор хүрээлэгдсэн ан амьтны өлгий нутаг бөгөөд буга гөрөөс, зэрлэг гахай, ирвэс, шилүүс, чоно, үнэг, туулай зэрэг амьтад элбэг байдаг.
48.  Манайх хотын төвд 9 давхар орон сууцны 3 давхарт 2 өрөө байранд 4-үүлээ амьдардаг.
49.  Манай байр орчин үеийн, тохилог, тав тухтай тухайлбал төвийн халаалт цахилгаантай, халуун хүйтэн устай, утастай, интернеттэй.
50.  Манай сургууль чанартай сургалт, хатуу чанга дэг журамтайгаараа улсдаа алдартай.

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